Puisi Cinta Romantis – Siapa yang tidak baper jika diberikan puisi cinta romantis baik dari gebetan maupun dari pasangan? Yap, menjadi romantis itu tidak harus melulu memberikan bunga atau cokelat saja kok, tetapi juga dapat dilakukan dengan hal yang sederhana, puisi cinta contohnya. Selain untuk menunjukkan betapa besarnya rasa cintamu kepada pasangan, puisi cinta romantis juga dapat digunakan sebagai pemanis dalam hubunganmu. Jika kamu belum punya pasangan, justru puisi cinta romantis dapat menjadi ‘kode’ bagi gebetan bahwa kamu memang menyukainya.
Lalu bagaimana dengan yang jomlo dan tidak punya gebetan? Tidak usah khawatir, karena puisi cinta romantis ini tentunya dapat digunakan sebagai caption di sosial media. Banyak sekali ya kegunaan dari puisi cinta romantis itu? Nah, apa saja ya puisi cinta romantis yang dapat kita berikan kepada pasangan atau bahkan hanya sekadar caption di sosial media saja? Yuk simak uraian berikut ini.

Ide 30 Puisi Cinta Romantis
- You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known. And even that is an understatement. – F. Scott Fitzgerald
My heart is the ocean,
full of colors,
and dreams.
You can easily dive into my waters,
get lost in my arms,
and quench your thirst
of grace
and love.
My heart is the ocean.
Your ocean.
Alexandra Vasiliu
I find my place
In between your arms,
In between your tender kisses
And soft whispers of ‘It will be alright’
In between the warmth of your embrace,
and the scent of your neck,
and the fierceness of your touch,
I find my place lost inside your soul.
To know that I miss you
so much when you leave;
to know that I need you
like the air that I breathe
To know that I want you
with a passion so blind,
is to know that I love you ?
with no doubt in my mind.
– Lang Leav
You were you,
and I was I;
we were two,
before our time.
I was yours,
before I knew;
and you have always
been mine too.
– Lang Leav
As the moon begins
to brighten at night,
Know that I miss you
when I look upright.
You’re like a shining
star—beautiful and bright,
But I have no wings to
reach you, —my biggest plight.
– AK
I want to be,
Special for someone.
So that I never feel alone —
Two arms holding me tight,
And forever keep me close.
I want to find the missing colors,
For my life is black and white.
Someone crawling in my thoughts
When I try to sleep at night.
I want to find the wandering feet
That with mine will walk the world.
Someone warm against my skin
When the winter nights are cold.
And forever keep me close
Two arms holding me tight,
So that I never feel alone —
I want to be,
Your special one.
– Clairel Estevez
When love is seen
from two points of view;
what we were
I can only guess.
I am certain it was love
with you —
but to love,
you did not confess.
So was it I—
who made it more?
Or was it you—
who made it less?
– Lang Leav
Love, a boundless feeling;
free to give. Free — to receive.
But not a love like mine —
Not a love like this.
Such love must stay hidden
inside dark corridors
beneath my ribs.
You musn’t look at me tender
you mustn’t talk to me sweet;
you mustn’t give this wild bird
its desired pair of wings.
– Clairel Estevez
The universe did not
breathe star fire into your bones
just so you could burn yourself out
over someone who treats you
like a cigarette break.
You deserve someone who knows
there is stardust in your veins
and that you are the sun.
And the sun does not shine
because someone else wants it to.
It shines because that
is what it was born to do.
Your right eye is the sun.
It is the light I see first,
the glow that I wake to every morning.
Your left eye is the moon.
It is the light I see last,
the star that I watch before I sleep.
And as you love me,
every day and every night —
my world revolves around you.
– Timothy Joshua
If you peered in through her ribcage,
You’d find an empty space,
From the boy she gave her heart to,
Who didn’t put his in its place,
She no longer is the owner,
Of the blood within her veins,
It belongs to all the memories,
And the drugs to numb the pain,
The brain within her skull.
Is so flooded it could drown,
In names of people who said they cared,
But didn’t stick around,
All the words that she’s been called,
Have replaced all of her bones,
Even the smile upon her lips,
Is no longer her own,
There’s nothing left of her body,
That society hasn’t touched,
Yet they have the nerve to wonder why,
She hates herself so much.
– e.h
- HE
He is the thought behind the feeling,
the swelling in my chest;
the starlight in the evening,
the yearning when I undress.
He is the sound behind the sighing,
the song of every bird;
the tears in all my crying —
the ache in every word.
– Lang Leav
We slowly melted into a lazy summer of gentle sea breezes and singing trees.
Each languid day rolling into the next like the curling waves caressing the silend sand.
Our thirsty kisses sipping softly on wine tainted lips
As we fell quietly into each other’s open arms.
Wonderfully lost and hopelessly in love.
– Michael Faudet
This is where our love is found
in a strange little rhyme;
where in space the beat of our hearts resound,
while our bones lie in the ground.
Little fragments ground down with time,
where fingers once were intertwined
and I wore your ring, and you wore mine.
– Lang Leav
I don’t know what it’s like to love someone, who the world tells me I am not supposed to love.
I can’t imagine how hard it must be to love someone I am afraid to kiss on the street.
But I do know what it is like to love someone who I cannot be with.
I know how it feels to have my brain tell me one thing, and my heart another.
To live with the knowledge that if circumstances had been different, I would be with one I love.
I do know there are all kinds of barriers to love.
I do believe the world needs less of them.
– Lang Leav
I still search
for you in crowds,
in empty fields and soaring clouds.
In city lights
and passing cars,
on winding roads
and wishing stars.
I wonder where
you could be now,
for years I’ve not said
your name out loud.
And long since
I called you mine —
time has passed
for you and I.
But I have learnt
to live without,
I do not mind —
I still love you anyhow.
– Lang Leav
My mother once said to me;
there are two kinds of men you’ll meet.
The first will give you the life you want
and the second will give you the love you desire.
If you’re one of the lucky few,
you will find both in the one person.
But if you ever find yourself having to choose between the two,
then always choose love
– Lang Leav
It feels bittersweet to love you,
as though time has already run its ruinous path
and everything good is over before it begins.
It feels perilous to love you,
like a dust scorn swallowing up the sky
or a comet skimming the stratosphere.
But it is an honor to love you.
Like the snow drifts giving way to spring,
I will hold you
for as long as I can.
– Lang Leav
The life you always thought you wanted before you knew any difference.
The sea change didn’t see coming,
the sweeping vistas and cotton candy sunsets.
The meeting point between how you imagined it would be
and how it has transpired.
The willingness to take a chance on something
that could take you somewhere new.
The dream you were persuaded to give up on,
or the one that you were coaxed into following.
Who you love
and who loves you back determines so much in your life
– Lang Leav
I’m not asking for a grand declaration of love.
I stopped entertaining those thoughts long ago.
You see,
I have resigned myself
to where I am now,
hanging by a thin,
tenuous thread.
I can feel it twisting above me,
gently fraying,
slowly giving way.
I’m not asking for promises or tenure –
I just want a hand
to reach for at the breaking point.
– Lang Leav
It was all I wanted for the longest time –
to open my eyes and see you there.
To stretch out my hand and touch the soft,
yielding warmth of your skin.
But now I have learned the secret of distance.
Now I know being close to you
was never about the proximity.
– Lang Leav
And it wasn’t my choice
to love you
but it was mine to leave.
I don’t think the moon ever meant to be a satellite,
kept in loving orbit,
locked in hopeless inertia,
destined to repeat the same pattern
over and over –
to meet in eclipse with the sun –
only when the numbers are allowed.
– Lang Leav
I want to plant a seed in your mind,
some tiny particle of thought
that bears a remnant of me.
So little by little,
day by day,
you find yourself thinking of me,
until one morning,
you will wake up
and realize you can’t think of anything else.
– Lang Leav
Anyone who knew me then would say I loved you far too much.
Like a wildfire or the sharp edge of a knife.
Anyone would have told you I stopped being the person
I was the second you walked into my life.
They would have said love wasn’t supposed to drive you crazy, make you want to scratch at your skin.
And they were right.
Because there was love and then there was you.
– Lang Leav
I don’t want you to love me because I’m good for you, because I say and do all the right things.
Because I am everything you have been looking for.
I want to be the one you didn’t see coming. The one who gets under your skin.
Who makes you unsteady? Who makes you question everything you have ever believed about love.
I want to be the one who makes you feel reckless and out of control; the one you are infuriatingly and inexplicably drawn to.
I don’t want to be the one who tucks you into bed; I want to be the reason why you can’t sleep at night.
– Lang Leav
It was how we began. Your mouth against mine, your fingers tracing along the back of my neck.
You asked me to imagine what it must have been like, for the first two people who fell in love; before the word love was conceived.
You said it felt that for you. Like we existed in a time before love – as though we were waiting for the word to catch up to the feeling.
– Lang Leav
Do you think the mind answers to the heart?
The way it keeps conjuring up what is no longer there.
I don’t know why I keep swinging like a pendulum between the two,
when I know the mirage I will never be enough.
But the heart does not have eyes
and the mind cannot resist when it asks,
tell me just one more time.
– Lang Leav
You asked me what you mean to me
My darling, you are my poetry
– Nikita Gill
Breaking off
pieces of yourself
to fit into places
will not help you belong,
it will only make you bleed.
– Nikita Gill
Nah, itulah beberapa puisi cinta romantis yang dapat Grameds sampaikan kepada gebetan, pacar, atau pasangan. Apakah Grameds sudah menjadi sosok yang romantis untuk seseorang?
Baca Juga!
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