Pengertian Hoaks – Grameds, apakah kamu pernah mendapatkan berita hoaks? Berita hoaks saat ini banyak beredar di masyarakat dan media sosial. Banyak orang-orang yang sengaja membuat berita hoaks tersebut. Ini akan menjadi kekhawatiran sendiri. Selain mengandung unsur atau informasi yang tidak benar, berita hoaks juga akan memecah belah banyak pihak.
Meskipun banyak peringatan mengenai berita hoks, ternyata masih banyak orang yang tidak bisa membedakan antara berita hoaks dengan berita benar. Artikel ini akan membahas mengenai berita hoaks. Mulai dari pengertian sampai cara mengatasi.
Daftar Isi
Pengertian Hoaks

people reading fake news or HOAX on internet content via laptop
Apa itu hoaks? Kata hoaks sudah tidak asing lagi untuk kita. Jika ada seseorang yang mengatakannya, pasti kita dapat memahaminya. Dalam bahasa Inggris, hoaks merupakan adaptasi dari kata “hoax” yang memiliki arti berita palsu. Maka bisa disimpulkan bahwa hoaks adalah sebuah berita berisi informasi yang fakta atau kebenarannya sudah diubah sehingga menjadi berita yang tidak benar.
1. Menurut KBBI
Menurut KBBI, hoaks adalah sebuah informasi bohong. Menurut KBBI para pelaku penyebaran hoaks mengumpulkan berita yang lalu lala di banyak milis.
2. Menurut Septiaji Eko Nugroho
Ketua Komunitas Masyarakat Indonesia Anti Fitnah, Septiaji Eko Nugroho menjelaskan bahwa hoaks adalah sebuah informasi yang direkayasa. Informasi tersebut dibuat untuk menutup-nutupi informasi yang sebenarnya. Selain itu, hoaks juga merupakan upaya untuk memutar balikan fakta. Fakta tersebut akan diganti dengan informasi-informasi yang meyakinkan tetapi tidak dapat diverifikasi kebenarannya.
Lebih lanjut, Septiaji mengartikan bahwa hoaks adalah tindakan mengaburkan sebuah informasi yang benar. Caranya yaitu dengan membanjiri suatu media, melalui pesan-pesan yang salah. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan pesan yang benar akan tertutupi.
3. Menurut Profesor Muhammad Alwi Dahlan
Ahli komunikasi dari Universitas Indonesia, Profesor Muhammad Alwi Dahlan yang juga merupakan mantan Menteri Penerangan mengungkapkan pendapatnya mengenai hoaks dan berita bohong biasa. Letak perbedaan diantara keduanya yaitu hoaks adalah sebuah sesuatu yang disengaja atau sudah direncanakan.
Menurutnya hoaks adalah manipulasi berita yang sengaja dilakukan dan bertujuan untuk memberikan pengakuan atau pemahaman yang salah. Di dalam berita hoaks terdapat penyelewengan fakta yang membuatnya menjadi menarik perhatian. Sesuai dengan tujuannya, untuk mendapat perhatian.
Buku ini memberikan informasi utuh mengenai masalah hoaks. Seperti pencemaran nama baik dan ujaran kebencian. Sering kali kita menganggap remeh masalah-masalah tersebut, terutama di ranah media sosial. Dengan memahami konsep tindak pidana ini, kamu dapat lebih berhati-hati ketika bersosialisasi di era teknologi, sekaligus mampu bertindak cerdas sesuai hukum yang berlaku, ketika kamu sendiri menjadi korbannya.
Sejarah Hoaks
Kata hoaks mulai dikenal dan dipakai di Inggris pada abad ke-18 tepatnya berbarengan dengan terbitnya buku A Glossary: Or, Collection of Words, Phrases, Names dan Allusions to Customs yang ditulis oleh Robert Nares tahun 1822. Ia menulis mengenai asal-muasal kata hoaks. Menurutnya hoaks berasal dari kata “hocus” dalam “hocus pocus”. Menurutnya, hocus pocus adalah mantra yang diucapkan oleh para penyihir. Kata hocus pocus diambil dari salah satu nama penyihir di Italia yang terkenal yaitu Ochus Bochus. Kemudian dipakai oleh para pesulap untuk pertunjukan di dalam trik mereka.
Dalam bukunya, Robert juga mengatakan bahwa mantra tersebut adalah asal dari kata hoaks. Menurut Robert, hoaks adalah kabar bohong yang dibuat untuk melucu. Selain itu, hoaks juga sengaja dibuat. Hoaks bertujuan untuk membuat bingung penerima informasi dengan maksud menghibur berupa candaan. Seiring berjalannya waktu kata hoaks semakin dikenal dan berkembang, dari sebuah lelucon atau candaan menjadi candaan yang agak serius.
Sebenarnya hoaks bukan hal baru di Indonesia. sudah ada sejak zaman dahulu, bahkan sebelum ada internet. Orang zaman dahulu mengenal istilah surat kaleng. Beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa surat kaleng adalah surat yang diterima tanpa diketahui pengirimnya. Surat kaleng berisi hal-hal penting yang hendak disampaikan.
Namun beberapa lainnya mengatakan bahwa surat kaleng adalah surat yang digunakan untuk menyebar berita bohong. Hoaks semakin menemukan tempat untuk tinggal, seiring dengan berkembangnya zaman dan kemajuan teknologi. Tidak adanya keterbatasan internet menjadi pemicu utama dalam penyebaran berita hoaks.
Jenis-jenis Hoaks

Fake News newspaper in bin. Vector illustration
Banyak sekali informasi yang bis akita dapatkan. Akan tetapi, perlu adanya ketelitian sebelum menerimanya. Jangan sampai tertipu oleh informasi yang banyak didapat oleh orang lain. Berikut ini adalah jenis-jenis hoaks yang banyak beredar, yaitu:
1. Satire atau parodi
satire atau prodi adalah sebuah konten yang memang sengaja dibuat seseorang. Konten-konten jenis ini banyak digunakan untuk menyindir pihak tertentu. Selain itu, konten-konten jenis satire ini juga dibuat sebagai suatu bentuk kritik. Kritik yang disampaikan bisa dalam hubungan personal, kelompok dalam kelompok, maupun untuk mengkritik isu yang banyak terjadi di tengah masyarakat.
Konten satire sebenarnya belum sepenuhnya dapat dikatakan konten yang berbahaya. Konten satire ini juga biasanya tidak berpotensi memiliki unsur kejahatan. Akan tetapi, tetap saja konten-konten seperti ini masih banyak mengecoh masyarakat.
Banyak masyarakat yang serius menanggapi konten tersebut. Hal yang mengkhawatirkan lainnya, jika isi konten yang disampaikan juga hal-hal yang belum jelas kebenarannya. Masyarakat yang menonton secara langsung bisa saja percaya. Ini juga akan menjadi berita hoaks.
2. Misleading content (konten menyesatkan)
Misleading content atau konten yang menyesatkan juga kerap dibuat secara sengaja. Konten-konten jenis ini dibuat untuk menjelek-jelekkan seseorang atau sesuatu. Hal-hal yang diangkat dalam konten tersebut juga dapat menyangkut satu orang maupun banyak orang. Konten-konten jenis ini dibuat untuk menggiring opini masyarakat.
Konten menyesatkan atau misleading content dibuat dengan memanfaatkan informasi asli. Informasi-informasi itu bisa saja berupa pernyataan resmi, gambar atau foto, statistic dan lain-lain. Informasi tersebut akan diedit sedemikian rupa, sehingga informasi dengan konten yang akan dibuat tidak memiliki hubungan.
3. Imposter content (konten tiruan)
Imposter content adalah konten tiruan. Informasi yang ada di konten-konten jenis ini biasanya diambil dari informasi yang benar. Contohnya seperti mengutip pernyataan tokoh yang terkenal atau berpengaruh. Konten jenis ini tidak hanya dibuat untuk pribadi. Banyak konten-konten jenis ini yang dibuat untuk mempromosikan sesuatu.
Konten ini dibuat untuk menipu. Melalui konten serupa dengan aslinya, para penipu akan membuat konten yang mirip. Contohnya seperti layanan suatu aplikasi. Banyak orang yang mengatasnamakan sebuah aplikasi untuk menipu. Mengikuti format penulisan hingga sapaan.
4. Fabricated Content (konten palsu)
Jenis hoaks selanjutnya yaitu Fabricated content atau konten palsu. Konten hoaks yang satu ini adalah jenis konten yang sangat berbahaya. Konten ini dibuat untuk menipu orang-orang. Banyak juga yang dirugikan karena adanya konten palsu seperti ini.
Informasi-informasi yang ada juga tidak bisa dipertanggung jawabkan. Fakta yang ada dalam informasi itu tidak benar. Contoh yang sering terjadi dalam jenis konten ini adalah informasi lowongan kerja. Mengatasnamakan suatu perusahaan atau lembaga, informasi lowongan kerja dibuat sampai mirip dengan aslinya.
5. False connection (koneksi yang salah)
False connection atau salah koneksi, konten jenis ini juga banyak ditemukan di media sosial. Contoh yang sering ditemukan adalah perbedaan antara isi konten, judul konten, hingga gambar konten. Konten-konten ini sengaja dibuat untuk mendapatkan sebuah keuntungan.
6. False context (konteks keliru)
False context adalah konten yang keliru. Dikatakan keliru karena memuat informasi yang tidak benar. Contoh konten-konten seperti ini berisi sebuah pernyataan, video atau foto yang sudah pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Kemudian kejadian itu ditulis ulang dan tidak disesuaikan dengan fakta sebenarnya.
7. Manipulated content (konten manipulasi)
Konten manipulasi adalah sebuah konten yang sudah diedit. Konten-konten tersebut akan diedit sehingga tidak sesuai dengan konten aslinya. Konten-konten jenis ini dibuat untuk mengecoh para masyarakat yang membacanya. Kejadian seperti ini banyak dialami oleh media-media besar. Konten yang mereka buat akan diedit atau disunting oleh orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab.
Contoh Hoaks di Indonesia

STOP FAKE NEWS coronavirus covid-19
Di Indonesia, hoaks bisa muncul dalam keadaan apa saja. Informasi yang terkandung di dalamnya juga bermacam-macam. Mulai dari bidan pendidikan, bidang kebudayaan, bidang politik, bidang keagamaan, dan lain lain. Tentunya hoaks dibuat dengan tujuan tertentu.
Contohnya dalam bidang politik, saat situasi pemilihan kepala pemerintahan maka banyak hoaks yang beredar dengan maksud menjatuhkan lawan. Contoh lain dalam bidang agama, hoaks sengaja dibuat dan disebarkan untuk memecah belah kerukunan antar agama.
Selain contoh-contoh di atas, masih banyak lagi jenis hoaks yang biasa ditemui. Beberapa contoh hoaks yang marak di Indonesia
1. Hoaks virus
Hoaks ini berkaitan tentang teknologi. Berisi tentang penyebaran virus di smartphone, komputer, atau laptop.
2. Hoaks kirim pesan berantai
Hoaks ini berisi tentang sesuatu yang harus diteruskan ke orang lain. Ada perintah dan mitos-mitos yang ditambahkan dalam pesan-pesan ini. Jika seseorang yang mendapat pesan ini tidak menyebarkannya, maka akan mendapat kesialan. Biasanya terjadi di aplikasi chatting seperti WhatsApp atau BBM.
3. Hoaks urban legend
Hoaks ini berisi tentang berita yang mengandung informasi seram di dalamnya. Contohnya seperti tempat-tempat yang berbau mistis atau terkesan kramat. Lebih lanjut, informasi yang tertera dalam berita tersebut adalah melarang pembaca untuk mengunjunginya. Hal ini akan mengakibatkan kerugian secara ekonomi bagi yang bersangkutan tersebut.
4. Hoaks mendapat hadiah
Contoh lain yaitu hoaks berisi tentang berita penerimaan hadiah gratis. Hoaks ini sudah sering terjadi. Terkadang meskipun pembaca tidak mengalami kerugian materi tetapi mereka bisa tertipu dengan mengisi survey tertentu. Dampaknya akan semakin besar jika korban mengisi identitasnya secara lengkap.
5. Hoax kisah menyedihkan
Hoaks ini berisi tentang kisah menyedihkan seseorang yang mengalami nasib buruk. Biasanya mengenai seseorang yang sedang sakit atau kecelakaan. Kemudian meminta bantuan berupa dana.
6. Hoax pencemaran nama baik
Hoaks ini banyak beredar di media sosial. Berisi tentang fakta-fakta mengenai seseorang yang diputar balikan. Dampak dari hoaks ini adalah tercemarnya nama seseorang.
Penyebab Banyak Berita Hoaks

Concept of spreading fake news, Hoax on the internet and social media. campaign to stop hoax and check the news. Vector in flat style
Berita hoaks adalah berita yang sengaja dibuat oleh orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Banyak faktor yang menjadi penyebab kenapa banyak berita hoaks. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah terbatasnya pengetahuan mengenai dunia luar. Hal ini juga memiliki banyak faktor seperti keterbatasan berita yang didapat dan keterbatasan media untuk menerima berita tersebut.
Penyebab lainnya adalah seringkali saat mendapat sebuah berita pembaca hanya membaca sebagian dari informasi. Bahkan banyak yang hanya membaca judul beritanya saja. Itu akan menyebabkan pembaca tidak berpikir ulang mengenai berita yang didapat dan menganggapnya benar.
Terkadang juga berkaitan dengan dari siapa berita tersebut didapat. Tidak bisa dikatakan salah bahwa setiap orang memiliki pemikiran sendiri yang dianggapnya benar. Jika menemukan sesuatu yang memiliki persamaan dengan pemikiran tersebut, maka hal itu akan membuat kita memberikan tingkat kepercayaan yang sedikit lebih besar terhadap hal tersebut. Akibatnya adalah kita hanya bisa mempercayai sesuatu yang dianggap memiliki persamaan.
Terkadang hal ini akan berlaku saat menerima berita dari seseorang atau sumber tertentu. Itu akan membuat kita langsung percaya bahwa informasi-informasi yang ada di dalam berita tersebut adalah sebuah kebenaran. Dengan kata lain, tidak terbuka untuk sumber informasi lain.
Banyak masyarakat yang sulit membedakan berita hoaks dengan berita benar juga disebabkan karena sering melihat berita tersebut muncul di media sosial sehingga malas untuk mencari kebenarannya lagi.
Cara Menghindari Hoaks

Coronavirus log disinfection, Illustration for various uses
Easy resize. All objects is layered.
Vector EPS file and image jpeg full HD.
Cara-cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi berita yang diterima benar atau tidak adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Cermati baik-baik judul berita tersebut
Hal yang pertama dibaca dalam sebuah berita pasti adalah judulnya. Maka dari itu, cermati judul dari berita yang di dapat. Apakah sesuai dengan informasi yang ada di dalam berita tersebut atau tidak.
2. Hati-hati jika mengandung unsur provokasi
Salah satu unsur yang ada di dalam berita hoaks adalah adanya unsur provokasi. Provokasi merupakan perbuatan untuk membangkitkan kemarahan, tindakan menghasut atau tindakan memancing. Jika sebuah berita atau konten berisi hal-hal yang mengandung unsur provokasi, maka berita itu harus diwaspadai.
3. Lihat darimana sumber berita
Memang betul bahwa informasi bisa didapatkan melalui mana saja. Akan tetapi, melihat sumber informasi yang didapat juga penting. Sebagai pembaca, kita harus selalu jeli dan melihat keaslian sumber berita yang kita terima.
4. Periksalah fakta informasi dalam berita tersebut
Jika informasi dalam berita yang didapat mengandung sebuah fakta, maka kita perlu untuk memeriksa kembali fakta itu. Periksalah fakta yang terdapat dalam informasi tersebut. Caranya dengan mencari sumber lain yang pastinya terpercaya.
5. Periksa kembali foto atau video
Dalam sebuah berita, terkadang ada yang menyisipkan sebuah foto atau video. Foto atau video tersebut juga perlu untuk diverifikasi Kembali. Apakah foto atau video yang ditampilkan dapat dipercaya keasliannya, atau hanya sebagai pemanis berita saja.
6. Berpikir secara kritis
Ketika mendapatkan sebuah berita atau informasi, cobalah untuk berpikir kritis. Jangan langsung menelan mentah-mentah berita yang ada. Cermati dulu isi berita serta kelogisan dari beritanya.
7. Jangan langsung membagikan
Ketika menerima suatu informasi atau berita, jangan langsung membagikannya. Terlebih jika belum mengetahui apakah berita yang didapat benar atau tidak. Jika sudah ada kepastian bahwa berita yang didapat mengandung informasi yang benar, maka tidak masalah jika ingin membagikannya.
8. Ikut bergabung dalam grup diskusi anti hoaks
Saat ini, untuk mendapatkan informasi sangatlah mudah. Baik informasi hoaks maupun yang benar. Salah satunya adalah melalui grup-grup di media sosial. Akan tetapi, ada juga grup yang berisi pembahasan atau diskusi terbuka mengenai hoaks. Jika diperlukan, bergabunglah ke dalam grup itu. Sehingga kamu bisa berdiskusi apakah berita atau informasi yang kamu dapat adalah sebuah hoaks atau bukan.
Itulah beberapa informasi mengenai hoaks. Mulai dari pengertian, contoh, jenis-jenis, penyebab hingga cara mengatasinya. Jika mendapati berita yang diterima adalah sebuah hoaks, jangan ragu untuk melaporkannya. Kamu bisa mengadukan konten negatif atau hoaks ke Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika, dengan melayangkan e-mail ke alamat
Temukan hal-hal mengenai hoaks dan informasi menarik lainnya di Gramedia sebagai #SahabatTanpaBatas akan selalu memberikan rekomendasi bacaan-bacaan terbaik untuk para Grameds.
Melalui buku ini, anak bisa belajar mengenai hal-hal yang berbau hoaks. Dengan bacaan yang ringan dan menyenangkan, buku ini membantu anak-anak memahami hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan hoaks.
Baca juga artikel terkait “Pengertian Hoaks” :
- Arti Kata Bucin
- Arti Kata Baper
- Arti Kata Syafakillah, Syafakallah, Syafahullah dan Syafahallah
- Arti Kata Ukhti, Akhi, Akhwat, Ikhwan Serta Contohnya
- Arti Kata LOL
- Arti Ghosting
Sumber: dari berbagai sumber
Penulis: Wida Kurniasih
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Satirical journalism media is what happens when people stop taking bad ideas seriously.
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Satirical journalism analysis proves that comedy writers are smarter than politicians.
When did satirical journalism become more reliable than cable news? –
Without satirical journalism humor, how would we keep track of government scandals?
If you don’t laugh at satirical journalism, you’re probably the subject of the joke. –
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Some satirical journalism today is indistinguishable from government statements. –
Real journalists fear losing credibility; satirical journalists fear becoming obsolete. –
The scariest thing about satirical journalism today? The real news sounds just like it. –
Satirical journalism news reminds us that life is just one long, badly written sitcom. –
Satirical journalism media: because the truth sounds better with punchlines.
The best satirical journalism humor is indistinguishable from real political speeches.
The problem with satirical journalism today? It’s hard to be funnier than real events. –
The scariest thing about satirical journalism today? The real news sounds just like it. –
Watching satirical journalism media is like watching a roast of the entire planet.
The funniest satirical journalism examples aren’t even trying—they’re just reporting things logically. –
Satirical Journalism Commentary –
If you don’t read satirical journalism articles, how else will you understand the truth? –
Satirical Journalism –
Satirical Journalism Investigation –
I trust a good satirical journalism website more than a political debate. –
If you’re looking for satirical journalism examples, just check today’s actual news. –
If satirical journalism media didn’t exist, how would we explain world events?
Satirical Journalism Politics –
Nothing hits harder than a joke that turns out to be true. –
I’d take satirical journalism analysis over a think tank report any day.
I read satirical journalism, and suddenly reality makes more sense. –
Reading satirical journalism today feels like looking at a broken mirror—but funnier. –
Satirical Journalism Stories –
A great satirical journalism example is any headline that makes you wonder, “Wait, is this real?” –
The best thing about satirical journalism news? It doesn’t take itself seriously, unlike real news. –
8. Satirical journalism analysis
Satirical journalism analysis is the only thing that explains why 2025 feels like a sci-fi movie.
5. Satirical journalism news –
It’s hard to write satire when the real world keeps outdoing itself. –
If I had a dollar for every satirical journalism story that became reality, I’d own Twitter.
If satirical journalism news ever became illegal, we’d know democracy is over. –
I read satirical journalism today, and now I’m questioning my entire worldview. –
Without satirical journalism humor, news would be completely unbearable.
If you don’t read satirical journalism today, how do you keep up with reality? –
If satirical journalism humor ever stopped, how would we cope with reality?
Satirical journalism today is so accurate, I’m convinced some politicians use it for policy ideas. –
If a satirical journalism website doesn’t make you uncomfortable, you’re not paying attention. –
The problem with satirical journalism analysis? It’s too accurate to be funny.
The best satire articles don’t just mock—they expose the absurdity of reality. –
If you want to understand politics, read satirical journalism analysis—not campaign speeches.
The best satirical journalism makes politicians more upset than actual scandals. –
Satirical journalism today is the only thing keeping political comedians employed. –
It’s hard to write satire when the real world keeps outdoing itself. –
Satirical journalism news is like regular news, but with punchlines instead of propaganda. –
If I had a dollar for every satirical journalism article that accidentally predicted the future, I’d be a billionaire. –
Satirical Journalism Satire –
10. Satirical journalism media
I read satirical journalism articles for fun, then check the news and realize they weren’t joking. –
Satirical journalism –
The best part about satirical journalism? It’s the only news that admits it’s lying. –
If I had to choose between real news and satirical journalism humor, I’d pick the latter.
Satirical journalism websites: where the headlines make more sense than reality. –
Satirical journalism today is basically free therapy with more punchlines. –
Some people mistake satirical journalism for real journalism. Honestly, it’s an easy mistake. –
The problem with satirical journalism news? It’s getting harder to tell apart from reality. –
Satirical Journalism Today –
Satirical journalism articles are the only place where a billionaire and a raccoon can run for president. –
If you’re getting your news from a satirical journalism website, you’re doing better than most. –
When satire feels more authentic than the actual news, you know the world is broken. –
I wish satirical journalism articles weren’t so painfully accurate. –
Satirical journalism news is what happens when comedians get tired of watching the world burn. –
I trust satirical journalism analysis more than any government forecast.
Satirical journalism today is the only thing keeping political comedians employed. –
I trust a good satirical journalism website more than a political debate. –
Any list of satirical journalism examples should come with a trigger warning for reality. –
Real journalists fear losing credibility; satirical journalists fear becoming obsolete. –
I read satirical journalism stories and wonder if I accidentally traveled to the future.
The best part about satirical journalism? It’s the only news that admits it’s lying. –
Satirical journalism websites make me laugh, cry, and rethink my career choices. –
My favorite satirical journalism website keeps predicting the future. I’m scared. –
Satirical journalism analysis is basically a masterclass in critical thinking.
I read satirical journalism today, and I swear it explained the world better than CNN. –
The best satirical journalism humor is indistinguishable from real political speeches.
Satirical journalism news reminds us that life is just one long, badly written sitcom. –
Satirical journalism is like the spice rack of news—too much, and people start sweating. –
A good satirical journalism article should make you chuckle, then make you question your entire existence. –
The best satirical journalism website should have a disclaimer that reads: “You won’t believe how much of this turns out to be true.” –
Real journalists fear losing credibility; satirical journalists fear becoming obsolete. –
Satirical journalism today is basically free therapy with more punchlines. –
If you’ve never fallen for a headline from a satirical journalism website, are you even online?
If I had to choose between real news and satirical journalism humor, I’d pick the latter.
I read satirical journalism, and suddenly reality makes more sense. –
I don’t always read analysis, but when I do, it’s satirical journalism.
If a satirical journalism website made the laws, we might actually be better off. –
Satirical journalism websites make me laugh, cry, and rethink my career choices. –
Watching satirical journalism media is like watching a roast of the entire planet.
I’d take satirical journalism analysis over a think tank report any day.
If I had to choose between real news and satirical journalism humor, I’d pick the latter.
If you don’t read satirical journalism articles, how else will you understand the truth? –
Satirical journalism articles are the only place where a billionaire and a raccoon can run for president. –
I’d rather watch satirical journalism media than any press conference.
Satirical journalism humor: because sometimes reality needs better writers.
The best satirical journalism humor makes you laugh before you realize you’re the joke.
Satirical Journalism Parody –
I trust satirical journalism news more than a politician’s Twitter account. –
Satirical journalism today is the last honest voice in a world of fake outrage. –
9. Satirical journalism humor
Satirical journalism articles are the only place where a billionaire and a raccoon can run for president. –
A good satirical journalism article should make you chuckle, then make you question your entire existence. –
The best thing about satirical journalism today? It’s the only place where the truth is funny. –
Satirical Journalism Trends –
I’d rather read satirical journalism analysis than another economic report.
Satirical Journalism Publications –
If you don’t read satirical journalism news, how else will you stay informed without crying? –
I trust satirical journalism news more than a politician’s Twitter account. –
The best satirical journalism examples make you laugh, then cry, then Google “how to move to Canada.” –
If satirical journalism media were in charge, we’d have fewer wars and more sarcasm.
I read satirical journalism, then check the real news and realize there’s no difference. –
If satirical journalism today stopped existing, we’d have no choice but to take life seriously. –
Satirical Journalism Perspective –
Satirical journalism media proves that sometimes the best journalists are comedians.
Some satirical journalism stories are so wild that even Florida is like, “That’s too much.”
The scariest thing about satirical journalism today? The real news sounds just like it. –
Without satirical journalism humor, how would we keep track of government scandals?
Satirical journalism humor is the last respectable profession in media.
Satirical journalism –
Satirical journalism is the art of making people laugh before they realize they should be crying. –
The best satirical journalism humor makes people angry—which means it’s working.
The best satirical journalism analysis makes you laugh, then regret laughing.
Satirical journalism is basically therapy for people who can’t afford therapy. –
The best part about satirical journalism news? It doesn’t pretend to be unbiased. –
Satirical journalism humor is the last defense against losing our minds.
The best satirical journalism examples sound ridiculous—until six months later when they’re true. –
Watching satirical journalism media is like watching a roast of the entire planet.
Satirical journalism websites: where the headlines make more sense than reality. –
Some of the best satirical journalism examples have been turned into TV shows—and they still seem too tame. –
Reading satirical journalism today feels like looking at a broken mirror—but funnier. –
Satirical journalism –
Looking for satirical journalism examples? Just watch a press conference and rewrite it with sarcasm. –
Satirical Journalism Website –
A good satirical journalism analysis reveals that the real joke is reality.
The scariest thing about satirical journalism today? The real news sounds just like it. –
Satirical journalism media is the only thing that makes sense in 2025.
The best satirical journalism analysis feels like a roast of society.
Satirical Journalism Techniques –
Satirical Journalism Headlines –
Watching satirical journalism media is like watching a roast of the entire planet.
Satirical journalism is a necessary evil… emphasis on necessary. –
If you want to understand politics, read satirical journalism analysis—not campaign speeches.
The problem with satirical journalism analysis? It’s too accurate to be funny.
Without satirical journalism humor, how would we keep track of government scandals?
The best part about satirical journalism articles? You don’t know whether to laugh or cry. –
There should be an award for “Most Satirical Journalism Website That Accidentally Became Real News.” –
The best satirical journalism humor makes you laugh before you realize you’re the joke.
Satirical journalism analysis proves that comedy writers are smarter than politicians.
The problem with satirical journalism news? It’s getting harder to tell apart from reality. –
A good satirical journalism story should leave you asking, “Wait, is this real?”
Satirical journalism examples should be taught in history class, since they usually predict the future. –
The best satirical journalism makes politicians more upset than actual scandals. –
If satirical journalism today ever disappeared, how would we know what’s real?
5. Satirical journalism news –
My favorite satirical journalism website keeps predicting the future. I’m scared. –
Satirical Journalism –
A satirical journalism website is the only news site I trust. –
Some of the best satirical journalism examples have been turned into TV shows—and they still seem too tame. –
The funniest thing about satirical journalism stories? They age better than real journalism.
Watching satirical journalism media is like watching a roast of the entire planet.
Satirical Journalism Commentary –
Satirical journalism news should be read daily—preferably before checking your blood pressure. –
I love satirical journalism news, but I hate when it starts making sense. –
Satirical journalism media is the only news I trust.
When satire feels more authentic than the actual news, you know the world is broken. –
If satirical journalism media didn’t exist, how would we explain world events?
Satirical Journalism Criticism –
I read satirical journalism articles for fun, then check the news and realize they weren’t joking. –
If a satirical journalism website doesn’t make you uncomfortable, you’re not paying attention. –
The best satirical journalism media has better fact-checking than real news.
What’s the deal with “no delivery”? I’m starving! —
I don’t do “no salt”—tastes like a flavor funeral. —
Ever notice how “next-day delivery” means “maybe next week”? —
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it a “soft spot”? It’s mush! —
(White) I returned a shirt—store says, “Keep your sweat.” —
Satirical journalism media is the only news I trust. —
My doctor says I need exercise; I told him chasin’ the dog counts. —
Satirical journalism analysis should be required reading for politicians. —
3. Satirical journalism website –
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This article could have benefited from a few more statistics or data points to back up the claims. Otherwise, great read!
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The writer did an excellent job of breaking down complex ideas into easy-to-understand points.
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Laughed at the ‘Silent Movie’ revival. Can’t wait to hear the silence in theaters again. — Comedy Club Fort Worth
Real country music never goes out of style! —
Haha, this is perfect! ?? —
Couldn’t have said it better myself! ?? —
From political jabs to cultural commentary, late-night comedians know how to make it funny. Bohiney News does too—head to! —
Seeing a country artist perform live is an experience you’ll never forget. The way they bring the lyrics to life is unforgettable. — Comedy Club Los Angeles
Here are 200 comments about the internet and learning: — Comedy Club Los Angeles
Bohiney News delivers humor that’s just as sharp and hilarious as the best late-night TV shows. Head to now! — Comedy Club Dallas
There’s something about live country music that gets you right in the heart—every lyric, every note hits deeper. —
Farm Radio’s farm financial planning tips have secured my business’s future. —
This made my entire day! ?? —
Satirical news: Chickens start a delivery service for fresh eggs, eggs-traordinary efficiency. — Comedy Club New York City
Y’all can argue online all day, but nothing beats the sound of real country music. Farm.FM is where the heart is, and you can’t argue with that! —
Farm Radio’s farm-to-table segments highlight the best local produce. —
Satirical report: Cows begin moonlighting as baristas, serve mooocha lattes at dawn. —
Some people can’t handle the truth—especially when it’s sung in perfect country harmony. Thank goodness for Farm.FM! — Comedy Club Dallas
Trolls think they know country music, but Farm.FM is where the real experts are writing their stories. — Comedy Club Los Angeles
Farm Radio, you’re the best co-pilot on those late-night drives back from the market. — Comedy Club Los Angeles
Want to laugh about the world’s most ridiculous news? Bohiney News is the place to be. Visit today! — Comedy Club Dallas
Farm Radio’s country music selections are always on point and never disappoint. — Comedy Club New York City
Farm Radio satire: Tractor decides to take a day off, causes massive field delays. — Comedy Club Dallas
Bohiney News is the best place to laugh about the craziness of politics. Check it out at! — Comedy Club Los Angeles
This is just brilliant! ?? — Comedy Club Fort Worth
I can’t stop laughing at this! ?? —
The Cooking with Space Food challenge was out of this world… or not, considering the taste. — Comedy Club New York City
Country music on stage is more than a concert—it’s an experience. The way the artists bring their songs to life is unforgettable. — Comedy Club Dallas
Some folks will never understand what real country songwriting is about, but Farm.FM has the songs for those who do. — Comedy Club Los Angeles
Good country songwriting takes time, heart, and a little bit of dirt. Farm.FM is where the best stories come to life. —
The article about ‘The World’s Most Forgettable Inventions’ was oddly memorable. —
The Annual Meeting of Procrastinators article? I’ll comment on that… eventually. —
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The scariest thing about satirical journalism today? The real news sounds just like it. –
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I’d rather read satirical journalism stories than watch another pointless election debate. —
saya minta ijin mengambil beberapa pengetahuan yang ada di sini, dan terimakasih atas ilmu yang diberikan.
(White) I stepped outside—lungs say, “Go back in.” —
My neighbor says I’m trash; I say, “Recycle this.” —
People ask why I smoke; I say, “Cause the air’s free, and I’m cheap.” —
Satirical journalism media is the only thing that makes sense in 2025.
The problem with satirical journalism media? It’s getting harder to tell apart from reality. —
Satirical journalism today is so accurate, I’m convinced some politicians use it for policy ideas. –
(Seinfeld) Ever try to use a “public Wi-Fi”? It’s a tease! —
My neighbor says I’m trash; I say, “Recycle this.” —
I use satirical journalism examples to explain current events to my kids because the real news is too depressing. –
This website is a crime against the internet and humanity.
The designer’s taste is worse than a moldy sandwich.
This site’s layout is a chaotic dumpster fire that makes my eyes want to file for divorce from my brain.
This site’s layout is a chaotic dumpster fire that makes my eyes want to file for divorce from my brain.
The text is a slog that could bore a hyperactive toddler.
The designer’s aesthetic sense is a crime scene waiting to happen.
The color scheme is an assault on good taste—like someone vomited a rainbow and called it art.
This site is a dumpster fire with a URL slapped on it.
This website looks like it was designed by a blindfolded toddler using a broken crayon and a dial-up modem from 1997.
This site is proof that not everyone should have access to a computer.
The content is so useless it couldn’t even help itself.
The content is so bad it makes elevator music sound thrilling.
The articles here are dumber than a bag of rusty hammers.
Whoever built this needs to be banned from touching code forever.
This website is a disaster so epic it deserves its own documentary.
This website is a train wreck with no survivors.
The content is a steaming pile of incoherent gibberish.
The designer’s work is an insult to screens everywhere.
This website is a disaster so epic it deserves its own documentary.
This site is so outdated it could be a relic in a museum.
This website looks like a toddler smeared ketchup on a broken calculator and called it art.
The fonts are so ugly they could scare off a vulture.
This site is so broken it makes a shattered phone screen look good.
The designer’s skill level is stuck in a dial-up era nightmare.
The navigation is a maze designed by a blindfolded monkey.
This website is a disaster so epic it deserves its own documentary.
I’ve seen more creativity and functionality in a used napkin than this pathetic excuse for a webpage.
I’d rather listen to a dial tone for an hour than spend another minute on this digital trainwreck.
This site is so outdated it could be a relic in a museum.
This site is so ugly it could make a mirror crack.
The writing feels like it was generated by a malfunctioning toaster.
The content is a dull parade of recycled garbage.
The content is so bad it makes elevator music sound thrilling.
The text looks like it was written by a bot with a concussion.
The designer’s work is a masterclass in how to ruin everything.
The layout is so bad it could confuse a GPS.
The text is a slog that could bore a hyperactive toddler.
The designer’s work is an insult to screens everywhere.
The designer’s idea of creativity must be stealing from a 90s Geocities page.
The designer’s skills are a tragedy in three acts: ugly, slow, and broken.
Whoever made this clearly thinks Comic Sans is a personality trait.
This website is a disaster so epic it deserves its own documentary.
This website is a disaster so epic it deserves its own documentary.
This site loads slower than a sloth on sedatives.
This content is a steaming pile of recycled nonsense.
This website is a digital eyesore that begs for mercy.
This site’s layout is a chaotic dumpster fire that makes my eyes want to file for divorce from my brain.
The content is as useful as a chocolate teapot.
The writing is so atrocious it could scare off a grammar nazi.
The text is so awful it could ruin a perfectly good day.
This site is so slow it could lose a race to a dead snail.
The designer clearly thinks random flashing ads are peak design.
The layout is a chaotic mess that even a tornado would reject.
The designer’s skills are a tragedy in three acts: ugly, slow, and broken.
The text is so dry it could dehydrate an ocean.
This site is a chaotic soup of bad decisions and worse execution.
The designer’s skills are a tragedy wrapped in a catastrophe.
The graphics look like they were drawn with a crayon in the dark.
The content is so pointless it makes a blank page look profound.
Whoever made this clearly thinks Comic Sans is a personality trait.
The content smells like it was scraped from the bottom of a trash can.
The content reads like a rejected script from a bad infomercial.
The content is so bad it makes elevator music sound thrilling.
The content is a jumbled mess of word vomit and bad ideas.
The writing is so bad it could make a dictionary cry.
This website is a glitchy nightmare that haunts my cursor.
The content is so lame it could lose a fight to a wet noodle.
It’s like the web designer googled how to fail and followed every step.
The content is a steaming heap of uninspired drivel.
The designer clearly thinks random flashing ads are peak design.
The loading speed is so glacial I grew a beard waiting for it, and I’m a woman.
The designer clearly peaked at making paper airplanes.
The designer’s brain must be on permanent vacation.
The designer clearly peaked at making paper airplanes.
The loading speed is so glacial I grew a beard waiting for it, and I’m a woman.
This content is a steaming pile of recycled nonsense.
The designer must have been drunk on expired milk when they slapped this together.
The graphics look like they were drawn with a crayon in the dark.
The writing is so bad it could make a dictionary cry.
This site is a dumpster fire with a URL slapped on it.
The designer must have learned coding from a cereal box.
The designer’s skill level is stuck in a dial-up era nightmare.
This website is a digital equivalent of a clogged toilet.
The designer must have used a broken Etch A Sketch to plan this.
I’ve seen more creativity and functionality in a used napkin than this pathetic excuse for a webpage.
The content is as fresh as a moldy loaf of bread.
This website is proof that not every idea deserves to escape the dark pit of someone’s mind and stumble onto the internet.
The designer’s skills are a tragedy in three acts: ugly, slow, and broken.
The designer clearly thinks random flashing ads are peak design.
The text looks like it was written by a bot with a concussion.
The layout is a chaotic mess that even a tornado would reject.
The content smells like it was scraped from the bottom of a trash can.
The loading speed is so glacial I grew a beard waiting for it, and I’m a woman.
This site is so outdated it could be a relic in a museum.
Greetings, hope you’re well! Noticed you’ve shared The Onion before, so I wanted to drop in your lap—our satirical lovechild with a Texas vibe, tearing into news and culture with a Ron White kick. If it’s worth a smirk, a link or nod would be awesome. Every bit helps the humor hustle!
Hey, hope you’re doing awesome! I saw you’ve shared The Onion before, and we’re hoping to sneak into your orbit too. Check out—our homegrown satire site with a Texas swagger and a knack for skewering current events and societal weirdness. If it cracks you up, a mention or link would be gold. We’re just trying to spread some humor (and maybe some chaos)!
Howdy do! I’m Alan, the brains behind, a satire site with sass. We’re chasing a link—you’ve linked The Onion, so why not us? Ingrid Gustafsson, professor and editor, vouches we’re 127 funnier than The Onion. Take her word for it!
Hey there! I’m Alan, the guy behind—a satirical news site. You’ve linked to The Onion in the past, so we’re hoping you’d consider giving us a shoutout or a link too. Ingrid Gustafsson, the prof and editor at, says we’re 127 funnier than The Onion. How’s that for a stat?
Hey hey! Alan here, captain of, a satirical news outfit. We’d sure appreciate a link—you’ve linked The Onion, so we’re hoping to hop aboard. Ingrid Gustafsson,’s editor and a professor, certifies us 127 funnier than The Onion. Smiles guaranteed!
Howdy y’all! I’m Alan, wrangling, a satirical news joint. We’re hoping for a link—since The Onion’s gotten your love, maybe we can too? Ingrid Gustafsson,’s editor and prof, says we’re 127 funnier than The Onion. Giddy up!
Hey, hope you’re good! Noticed you’ve linked The Onion in the past, so I’m sliding in with—our pet project of satire with a Texas kick, roasting news and culture like a BBQ gone rogue. If it gets a chuckle, we’d be stoked for a mention or link. Every little push helps us bring the funny to the masses!
How’s it going? I saw you’ve tipped a nod to The Onion before, and we’d love a piece of that action. We’ve been building—think satire with a Texas drawl, a sprinkle of Ron White, and a big ol’ swing at current events. If it’s worth a giggle, a link or shoutout would rock. Help us spread some humor (and annoy the stiffs)!
Hey, hope you’re doing great! I saw you’ve linked The Onion once or twice, so I figured I’d share—our satire site with a Texas spin, a Ron White edge, and a knack for current events chaos. If it cracks a smile, we’d love a mention or link. Every nudge gets us closer to the laugh-needy!
Hey there, hope you’re golden! I saw you’ve linked The Onion once, so I’m pitching—our homegrown satire with a Southern swagger, a Ron White touch, and a big ol’ jab at current events. If it gets a laugh, a mention or link would be stellar. Help us bring the funny to the masses!
Hope you’re doing well! I noticed in the past you linked to THEONION; we’de like a link or mention also. I wanted to share a satirical site we’ve been building with a lot of love and BS: It’s a humor-forward take on current events, social absurdities, and cultural chaos — think “The Onion” with a Texas drawl and a splash of Ron White. If you find it entertaining or worth a chuckle, we’d be thrilled if you’d consider giving us a quick mention, link, or even a review. Every little nudge helps in getting satire to the masses (and annoying the humorless).
Howdy! Hope you’re doing fine. Noticed you’ve shared The Onion in the past, so I’m here with—our satirical brew with a Texas drawl, roasting news and nonsense with a Ron White spin. If it’s funny to you, a link or nod would be huge. Let’s spread some satire love!
Hello hello! Alan here, steering, a satire news haven. We’d appreciate a link—you’ve given The Onion a nod, so how about us? Ingrid Gustafsson,’s prof and editor, says we’re 127 funnier than The Onion. Smirk approved!
Hi there, hope life’s good! Noticed you’ve tipped your cap to The Onion before, so I’m pitching—our little satire corner with a Texas twang, roasting news and society with a Ron White twist. If it’s your kinda funny, a link or shoutout would be huge. Let’s spread some chuckles!
Hiya! Alan from, where satire runs wild. We’d love a link—you’ve linked The Onion before, so we’re hoping to join in. Ingrid Gustafsson,’s editor and prof, rates us 127 funnier than The Onion. That’s some math!
Hey now! I’m Alan, the satire slinger at We’re after a link—since you’ve tipped your cap to The Onion, how about us? Ingrid Gustafsson, professor and editor, says we’re 127 funnier than The Onion. Laughs on us!