Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Announcement Text, Rumus & Latihan Soal

announcement text
Written by Tasya Talitha

Announcement Text adalah informasi yang disampaikan kepada publik atau khalayak ramai baik yang telah atau akan terjadi. Informasi ini umumnya disampaikan secara lisan di tempat umum karena menyangkut kepentingan banyak orang. Pengumuman ini juga dapat diunggah melalui media sosial.

Pengumuman disampaikan dengan tujuan memberikan informasi pada pembaca mengenai hibauan, suatu acara, aturan, kejadian, dan lain-lain.  Jenis-jenis pengumuman sendiri dapat dilihat dari fungsinya. Beberapa diantaranya:

  • Berita duka berita pernikahan, ulang tahun, peresmian dan kelahiran
  • Pengumuman pemenang suatu kompetisi
  • Lowongan pekerjaan
  • Iklan laporan kegiatan /acara pemberitahuan/ himbauan Dari pemerintah, dan masih banyak lagi.

Contoh Announcement Text

Fungsi teks pengumuman diantaranya menyampaikan informasi mengenai sesuatu hal seperti suatu acara, penerimaan siswa baru dan lain sebagainya. Informasi ini juga disampaikan secara formal dan ditujukan kepada masyarakat umum atau secara spesifik kepada kalangan tertentu. Berikut ini beberapa contoh penggunaan Announcement Text:

1. Attention, due to technical problems with Air Asia Airlines, flight number GA 528 departing for Jakarta and Bogor scheduled at 10:15 will be delayed by about 30 minutes Thank you

(Perhatian, karena adanya masalah teknis Air Asia Airlines, dengan penerbangan nomor GA 528 berangkat ke Jakarta dan Bogor dijadwalkan di 10:15 akan tertunda sekitar 30 menit Terima kasih).

2. In fond memory with serious hearts, the Tardjono family regrets to announce the passing of our beloved Hari Rudy Tardjono on June twenty two, 2020. His love always, passion, sense of humor, and kindness are going to be incomprehensible. A tiny family memorial is going to be held on June twenty two, 2020, at Rumah Duka Citra Hati, Jakarta.

3. (Dengan segala kerendahan hati, keluarga Tardjono dengan berat hati memberitahukan terkait meninggalnya Keluarga tercinta kami yaitu Hari Rudy Tardjono pada tanggal 22 Juni 2020. Cinta kasihnya, semangat, canda tawa nya, dan kebaikannya akan selalu terkenang. Sebuah peringatan dari keluarga kecil akan diadakan pada tanggal 22 Juni 2020, di Rumah Duka Citra Hati, Jakarta)

Mastering Academic Writing

Mastering Academic Writing

Beli Buku di Gramedia
Buku ini merupakan salah satu referensi utama bagi kalangan akademisi. Pembahasannya meliputi jenis-jenis esai bahasa Inggris beserta contohnya, teknik mengutip referensi dan menulis daftar pustaka, serta ragam kosakata yang lazim digunakan dalam teks akademik.

Kalian juga diingatkan untuk memperhatikan hal-hal sederhana, seperti cara menyusun kalimat, membuat kerangka karangan, dan menulis rangkuman/ringkasan. Lebih istimewa lagi, buku ini dilengkapi latihan soal dan writing checklist untuk menguji pemahaman kalian.

Rumus Announcement Text

Pada Announcement text, rule yang digunakan adalah simple future dan simple present tense. Simple Present merupakan suatu tenses yang digunakan pada waktu saat ini atau kejadian yang berulang, sementara Simple Future tenses digunakan pada masa mendatang dan berakhir di masa mendatang pula. Dalam Struktur Announcement text, terdapat 2 hal yang sangat penting yaitu Explanation dan judul atau Title:

1. Title (judul)

Title sebagai bagian yang sangat penting, sebab berfungsi menjabarkan keseluruhan pengumuman atau informasi dalam headline utama

2. Clarification  (Penjelasan)

Explanation pada bagian ini diisi dengan informasi lanjutan Dari judul. Clarification  terdiri dari Jenis Kegiatan (Type of Event), Tanggal dan Waktu (Date and Time), Tempat (Place), Partisipan (Participant), Alamat (Address), Contact yang Dapat Dihubungi (Contact Person).

Latihan Soal Announcement Text

Green Miles West

The substitution of “West” in our name replacement “California” is the result of associate agreement we tend to reach with Calif. horticulture Association, following a protest over the first use of “California” in our name. We tend to hope this doesn’t produce any confusion among our loyal customers. whereas this represent a amendment from our initial name introduction, it doesn’t amendment the standard of merchandise we provide our customers.

1. The corporate assures its customers that they’ll continually maintain the . . . of their merchandise.
a. price
b. origin
c. quality
d. sale
e. quantity

2. The name “Green Miles West” is . . . .
a. a brand new name was given to inexperienced Miles Calif.
b. a brand new name of a merger of 2 company
c. a brand new name given from The Calif. horticulture Association
d. a reputation of a brand new company that deals with horticulture
e. a reputation given to an organization shaped by the horticulture Association


Attention All students should be part of the category meeting from fifteenth Dec to twenty first Desember 2008 Principal Nathalie

3. What quite the text is it?
a. A letter
b. A label
c. A postcard
d. associate announcement
e. Memo

4. What’s the text about?
a. the category meeting in a very college.
b. The winner of the category meeting.
c. missive of invitation to affix a category meeting.
d. The set up of getting a category meeting.
e. Discussion regarding holding a category meeting

Attention Please! Students of grade XII area units are welcome to attend a morning seminar on a way to brace oneself for the ultimate EXAMINATION you’ll learn heaps from adult male. Budi Umar, a widely known education advisor.

Date  : July, 27th, 2018
Time   : 07.30
Venue  : college main hall Don’t miss this free event.

Seats area unit restricted. to order your seat, please decision Kemal : 0812 XXXXX

5. The benefits of attending the seminar are that students get an area unit in a position ….
a. to satisfy the education advisor
b. to organize for the ultimate examination
c. to show ways for the ultimate examination
d. to induce the free likelihood of connexion the seminar
e. To be a presenter in this seminar

6. Can the World Health Organization come back to the morning seminar?
a. All students
b. Mr. Budi Umar
c. Students of sophistication XII
d. All students  and their neighbours

7. “To reserve your seat, please ….” The word “reserve” is the nearest in which it means to….
a. Book
b. Buy
c. Get
d. Sit
e. Ensure Announcement

Pasti Bisa! Let`s Write!

Pasti Bisa! Let`s Write!

Beli Buku di Gramedia
Mengarang atau membuat teks tertulis adalah salah satu kecakapan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kecakapan penting lainnya dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Banyak persoalan yang dihadapi oleh para siswa saat akan memulai mengarang atau membuat teks. Seringkali saat berada di tengah perjalanan, para siswa menderita “kehabisan kata-kata”.

Buku telah disusun secara runtut untuk memudahkan perjalanan para siswa dalam mengarang dan menjamin perjalan tersebut tidak terhenti saat mereka berada di tengah jalan. Para siswa tidak akan pernah lagi “kehabisan kata-kata”.


To : All students, we would like to tell you that we would be having the varsity vacation from The eighth to Sabbatum tenth August 2015. Throughout the holiday, our college has already created plans! We have a tendency to want to travel habitation among the Highlands to a section referred to as Aviemore.

It’s an associate degree out of doors centre where you may learn to climb, canoe and fish and do every type of exciting thing. Of course, we have to need you to Edinburgh Castle and additionally the competition too. Don’t worry; you aren’t close to being bored! The varsity pays for all students, thus you are free of charge. Don’t forget to bring your propellant clothes with you. It’s getting wet. For people that ought to travel, please meet a man. Ananta at the teacher’s work.

sincerely Principal

8. What ought the scholars do to hitch the activity?
a. To get the trip
b. to travel to the teacher’s workplace
c. to satisfy the master
d. To bring the ever-changing garments
e. to go to principal’s house

9. From the text we have a tendency to all apprehend that ….
a. There are a minimum of 5 activities that the varsity offers
b. the students have to be compelled to bring their own food
c. the holiday will last for two days
d. the vacations won’t be excited
e. All student area unit progressing to be examined among the Highlands

10. The text is written to ….
a. to supply knowledge regarding the activity on school vacation
b. to clarify an out of doors activity on school vacation
c. To prompt students regarding an out of doors activity
d. To announce the varsity Th touch influence students on connexion student clun among the holiday

Our school will celebrate its seventeenth day of remembrance on:

Day/ Date: Saturday, Seventeen February 2018
Place  : Sport Hall
Time : 8.00 am – 11.00 am

To highlight this event, a special bazaar area unit is progressing to be managed in conjunction with a music show of the varsity band that has an accepted singer. All the lecturers and students are speculated to attend this celebration. For this reason all extracurricular activities at school like basketball, protection, football and English Sunday meeting will not be a serious hassle that day.

sincerely Principal

11. What did the college do to celebrate its anniversary?
a. to carry a special bazaar.
b. to own a self-protection competition.
c. to try and do all extracurricular activities.
d. to focus on all events well.
e. To participate within the walk band competition

12. The college failed to have all the extracurricular activities on its day as a result of … .
a. The game hall would be used for the celebration of the college day
b. All students had to attend the bazaar and purchase everything sold-out within the event
c. There was a beautiful music show performed by all students of the college
d. No one was fascinated by taking part in basketball within the sport hall that day
e. All students have compete soccer for three days

All students To celebrate the Hero’s day. Our Student Organization will hold some attention-grabbing programs like English Speech Contest, Storytelling and class Wall Magazine Competition.
Time : Nov fifteen, 2018,  8.00 a.m – 13.00 p.m
Theme : Hero Registration: Budi The organizer of this program

13. What will the text announce?
a. A student organization
b. associate degree English Speech Contest
c. attention-grabbing event
d. A Hero’s Day Celebration
e. Student organization forum

14. Supported the text we’ll say that
a. The programs will last for 5 hours
b. The programs area unit progressing to be management among the Hero Street
c. two competitions area unit progressing to be management
d. Budi is one in each of judges of the programs
e. some student will participate among the celebration

Ringkasan Materi dan Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA/MA Kurikulum 2013

Ringkasan Materi dan Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA/MA Kurikulum 2013

Beli Buku di Gramedia
Buku Ringkasan Materi dan Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA/MA ini disusun berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013. Terdiri atas materi-materi semester gasal dan semester genap. Materi yang disusun dalam buku ini dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga mengarah ke model pembelajaran kontekstual.

Selain itu, setiap materi yang disajikan dilengkapi dengan latihan soal-soal beserta kunci jawabannya. Buku ini dapat mempermudah pembaca mempelajari bahasa Inggris sesuai jenjang kelas.

To : All students and lecturers

Come and visit our new library. Legion new books (brand new novels and nonfiction books are accessible. You may boot fancy our newest DVDs assortment.

Head of library Ramadhan

15. What area unit the items offered within the new library?
a. Books and DVDs.
b. previous and new books.
c. New books and novels.
d. New DVDs and non-fiction books.
e. common movies

16. Why will the author create the announcement?
a. To resume a brand new novel.
b. to ask the reader to go to the library.
c. To let the reader comprehend the pinnacle of the library.
d. to assist the reader apprehend wherever to seek out the DVDs.
e. to create competition WHO visit the library a tons

17. Who created the announcement?
a. Ramadhan
b. All students
c. All lecturers
d. The bibliothe
e. Guardian

Announcement of the English voice communication Club (ECC.) is gap registration for whole fresh members, be a section of us and improve your English! Every Th from 16.00 to 17.00 at the varsity hall For registration, please contact Wayan Anissa

18. Once do the members have a meeting?
a. within the morning.
b. On weekday afternoons.
c. On weekday morning
d. within the afternoon at 3 o’clock.
e. weekday night

19. wherever do they need the meeting?
a. Within the ECC’s meeting area.
b. Within the VIIA schoolroom
c. At the college hall.
d. At the cafeteria.
e. City hall

20. However long will the meeting last?
a. One and a 0.5 hours.
b. One hour.
c. One and 1 / 4 hours
d. Two hours.
e. One o’clock Announcement

Announcement this may be a replacement year and there are many new students around. Please be friendly and facilitate them understanding the foundations of our school. Principal

21. Wherever are you able to realize the text?
a. At a faculty.
b. At a bookstall.
c. At a bank.
d. At a park.
e. At college fee sheet

English Course Textbook (Textbook for EFL Students in the First Semester)

English Course Textbook (Textbook for EFL Students in the First Semester)

Beli Buku di Gramedia
English Course Textbook (Textbook for EFL Students in the first Semester) diterbitkan dengan tujuan sebagai buku ajar untuk mahasiswa yang sedang mengampu mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris di semester 1 seluruh fakultas dan program studi baik itu PTN maupun PTS.

Buku ini terdiri dari 3 BAB, yaitu BAB 1 Listening, BAB 2 Structure and Grammar, dan BAB 3 Reading. BAB 1 (Listening), yaitu BAB yang terdiri dari 3 jenis model listening, yaitu monolog, short and long conversation, dan talk. BAB 2 berisi tentang Part of Speech dan Basic Tense (Past tense, Present, dan Future). BAB 3 Reading, membahas jenis-jenis pertanyaan Reading Comprehension dan cara menjawab pertanyaan reading dengan cepat dan tepat.

Kunci Jawaban Announcement Text

  1. Kunci Jawaban soal no.1 adalah c. quality
  2. Kunci Jawaban soal no.2 adalah a. a new name was given to Green Miles California
  3. Kunci Jawaban soal no.3 adalah d. An announcement
  4. Kunci Jawaban soal no.4 adalah c. An invitation to join a class meeting
  5. Kunci Jawaban soal no.5 adalah b. To prepare for the final examination
  6. Kunci Jawaban soal no.6 adalah c. Students of class XII
  7. Kunci Jawaban soal no.7 adalah a. Book
  8. Kunci Jawaban soal no.8 adalah b. To go to the teacher’s office
  9. Kunci Jawaban soal no.9 adalah a. There are at least 5 activities that the school offers
  10. Kunci Jawaban soal no.10 adalah a. To give information about the activity on school holiday
  11. Kunci Jawaban soal no.11 adalah a. To hold a special bazaar
  12. Kunci Jawaban soal no.12 adalah a. the sport hall would be used for the celebration of the school anniversary
  13. Kunci Jawaban soal no.13 adalah d. A Hero’s Day Celebration
  14. Kunci Jawaban soal no.14 adalah a. The programs will last for 5 hours
  15. Kunci Jawaban soal no.15 adalah c. New books and novels
  16. Kunci Jawaban soal no.16 adalah b. To invite the reader to visit the library
  17. Kunci Jawaban soal no.17 adalah a. Ramadhan
  18. Kunci Jawaban soal no.18 adalah b. On Thursday afternoon
  19. Kunci Jawaban soal no.19 adalah c. At the school hall
  20. Kunci Jawaban soal no.20 adalah b. One hour
  21. Kunci Jawaban soal no.21 adalah a. At a school

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About the author

Tasya Talitha


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