Sony Adams
A Journey of The One-Sided Love
Format Buku
This morning I walk thru the route, again and again. Do something in repetition. Back and forth like a fool. Collecting a spoon of dirt and valueless pieces of papers with a lot of zero on it.
But you know what?
Instead of that terrible constellation of reasons, I just wanna see you walk down the aisle. I just wanna see you grab your coffee in the rush hour. I think, even you don't know that I am canvassing yours, I just happy for a brief moment. A happiest moment in a day. A happiest moment in twenty four hours. It's like serotonin patch in second. Then vanished in the air...
Love is not a burden nor a gift. It's a adventure crossing the wide ocean of hope, sailing the vast body of sentimental roller coaster, and rambling through the flock of problems. Love is not always the legal way to procreate. Love is independent.
When you burden me, Then you find happiness in it.
I am done loving you.
I thought happiness is divided in the same amount, but it's mere talking about pros and cons. I see so many obstacles in this relationship. There is no push and pull, hide and seek.
The only thing I found is your lie.
Author Profile
Sony Adams
is a full-time poet who lives in the southern hemisphere of this very earth, to be exact, in this province at the center of Java island. He bet all of his life to influence others. This book is like a genesis for him. It reminded him of those feelings of being thawed in the name of the love. From those experiences, he learned to not being easily conveyed by feelings anymore. He encourages people a lot nowadays, to tell them that there will be a hole in your heart. It will be gone unless you are able to be judged by the courage of your heart. SOUL is solution
Informasi Tambahan
Judul : A Journey of The One-Sided Love
Penulis : Sony Adams
Penerbit : Anak Hebat Indonesia
Tahun Terbit : Cetakan 1, November 2022
ISBN : 978-623-400-252-2
Dimensi : 11 x 19cm
Halaman : 144 hlm/HC
Berat : 140 g
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Sony Adams
A Journey of The One-Sided Love