DR. R.K. Bansal
A Textbook Of Engineering Mechanics Sixth Edition
Format Buku
Buku Teknik Mekanika ini direncanakan untuk mata kuliah tahun pertama semua jurusan Teknik. Edisi ini telah sepenuhnya direvisi dan diperbarui. Pada edisi keenam, penambahan berikut telah dibuat: - Sebuah bab tentang Gaya Geser dan Momen Bending telah ditambahkan untuk memenuhi persyaratan kurikulum pada banyak universitas. - Momen inersia kutub, produk inersia, momen inersia utama dan momen inersia massa telah ditambahkan dalam bab Momen inersia - Gesekan bantalan datar, bantalan poros dan bantalan berkerah telah dimasukkan dalam bab Gesekan - Tabrakan Badan Elastis telah dijelaskan secara lebih rinci. Buku ini juga diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia untuk dapat dipelajari oleh seluruh siswa dalam memahami subjek dengan belajar sendiri. Di akhir setiap bab, sorotan, pertanyaan teoritis, dan banyak masalah yang belum terpecahkan akan diselesaikan.
Sinopsis Buku
The course contents of the sixth edition of the book entitled Engineering Mechanics are planned in such a way that the book cover of complete course of first year Engineering students of all branches of Engineering. This edition has been throughly revised and made up-to-date. In the sixth edition, the following additions have been made: A chapter on Shear Force and Bending Moment has been added to meet the curriculum requirements of many universities. Polar moment of inertia, product of inertia, principal moment of inertia and mass moment of inertia have been added in Moment of inertia chapter Friction of Flat bearing, pivot bearing and collared bearing have been included in Friction chapter Collision of Elastic Bodies has been explained in more detail. The is written in a simple and easy to-follow language, so that even an average student can grasp the subject by self-study. At the end of each chapter, highlights, theoretical questions and many unsolved problems with answers are given for the students to solve them.
Detail Informasi lain :
- Pengiriman : minimal 1 hari kerja
- Cover : Soft Cover
- Tebal : 808 Halaman
- Tanggal Terbit: 16 Januari 2019
- ISBN : 9789792970470
- Penulis: DR. R.K. Bansal
- Penerbit : Andi Publisher
- Berat : 1.1 kg
- Dimensi : 25 x 19 cm
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Detail Buku
DR. R.K. Bansal
A Textbook Of Engineering Mechanics Sixth Edition