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Anna Sewell

Abridged Classic Series: Black Beauty

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Follow Black Beauty's adventures in Victorian England. From surviving a burning barn to rescuing his owners, Beauty's life is filled with danger and excitement. Will he learn the meaning of love and courage? This touching tale has been retold and adapted with new illustrations, making it perfect for younger readers. Abridged Classic Series: Black Beauty by Anna Sewell is a children's storybook. The stories in this book fall into the classic series category. Black Beauty is packaged into a short fairy tale in simple and easy-to-understand language. This book is also equipped with attractive illustrations so the children will not get bored. This book can also be a strategy to help instill reading habits in children. The Abridged Classic Series has many other themes, such as The Wizard of Oz, Oliver Twist, and Anne of Green Gables. Buku Abridged Classic Series: Black Beauty karya Anna Sewell merupakan buku cerita anak-anak. Kisah dalam buku ini termasuk kategori seri klasik. Black Beauty dikemas menjadi dongeng singkat dengan bahasa yang sederhana dan mudah untuk dimengerti. Buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan ilustrasi yang menarik, sehingga anak-anak tidak akan mudah bosan. Buku ini juga dapat menjadi strategi untuk membantu menanamkan kebiasaan membaca kepada anak-anak. Abridged Classic Series memiliki banyak tema lainnya, seperti The Wizard of Oz, Oliver Twist, dan Anne of Green Gables.
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Anna Sewell
Abridged Classic Series: Black Beauty