Pamela J Sharpe
Barron's Toefl Ibt: Book With Mp3Cd, 15Th Edition
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TOEFL is known as a test where your ability in writing, speaking, listening, and reading in English is being measured because your mother language is not English. It is needed nowadays for those who want to continue living and working abroad, especially for students who plan to study abroad. Mostly, TOEFL is needed when the destination is around the United States of America or Canada. For more than 75 years, BARRON'S experts have been helping students surpass their expectations on standardized tests.
This book will help you achieve the score you want on the TOEFL with the help of:
✓ General orientation to the TOEFL iBT provides the latest information about the test, including a review of the major question types for each section of the exam
✓ A review of required academic skills, including note-taking, paraphrasing, summarizing, and synthesizing
✓ A completely updated study section for success in synthesis for the integrated Speaking and Writing tasks
✓ Seven full-length model tests in the book simulating the actual tests
✓ Two MP3 CDs with audio prompts for all audio activities and model tests
✓ Includes computerized versions of the seven tests in the book, plus a bonus test Alb
✓ Free access to an online site with more than 2 to practice and improve pronunciation of campuITtleafiflrary
BARRON'S GIVES YOU THE ANSWERS! Includes evaluation charts with estimates of your scores for the model tests and checklists for scoring the Speaking and Writing sections. Barron's TOEFL 1ST products are available in every Gramedia book store near you.
Informasi Lainnya
Judul: Barrons Toefl Ibt:Book With Mp3 Cd, 15Th Edition
Cerita: Pamela J. Sharpe
Tebal: 846 Halaman
Tanggal terbit: Oktober 2016
Format: Soft Cover
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Pamela J Sharpe
Barron's Toefl Ibt: Book With Mp3Cd, 15Th Edition