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Diana Christianti, S.pd.

English Activity For Children

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Children who learn English at a relatively very young age are not afraid to make mistakes, making them fast learners. In addition, learning English at an early age also has various benefits for children, such as: Improve children's cognitive abilities. Sharpen the child's brain, including the ability to solve problems, think critically, and listen well. Improve children's memory, concentration, and ability to multitask. Sharpen children's creativity. Helping children in academic matters. Teaching children to speak English from an early age ideally becomes an awareness for parents to help children be better prepared to compete in the global era when they grow up. Not only through formal education, but English can also be learned through entertainment such as reading books. Teaching English to children should be done as fun as possible, one of which is by making them play while learning. This book provides many interesting and important English activities for children, especially children 4—10 years old. This book can help parents to introduce basic knowledge of science and helps how to learn reading English because this book has Science topic and reading English. Children need help to figure out the living and non-living things, kinds of animals, matters of things, conductor and insulator, even about life cycle and solar system. Last but not least, may this book helps parents to guide their children in learning with the interesting ways. Detail Informasi: Judul : English Activity for Children Penulis : Diana Christianti Penerbit : Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia Bahasa : English Tahun Terbit : Januari 2019 Berat : 0.294 kg Dimensi : 27.5 x 20.5 cm Jumlah Halaman : 112 halaman Jenis Cover : Soft Cover ISBN : 9786020516080 Children who learn English at a relatively very young age are not afraid to make mistakes, making them fast learners. In addition, learning English at an early age also has various benefits for children, such as: Improve children's cognitive abilities. Sharpen the child's brain, including the ability to solve problems, think critically, and listen well. Improve children's memory, concentration, and ability to multitask. Sharpen children's creativity. Helping children in academic matters. Teaching children to speak English from an early age ideally becomes an awareness for parents to help children be better prepared to compete in the global era when they grow up. Not only through formal education, but English can also be learned through entertainment such as reading books. Teaching English to children should be done as fun as possible, one of which is by making them play while learning. This book provides many interesting and important English activities for children, especially children 4—10 years old. This book can help parents to introduce basic knowledge of science and helps how to learn reading English because this book has Science topic and reading English. Children need help to figure out the living and non-living things, kinds of animals, matters of things, conductor and insulator, even about life cycle and solar system. Last but not least, may this book helps parents to guide their children in learning with the interesting ways. Detail Informasi: Judul : English Activity for Children Penulis : Diana Christianti Penerbit : Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia Bahasa : English Tahun Terbit : Januari 2019 Berat : 0.294 kg Dimensi : 27.5 x 20.5 cm Jumlah Halaman : 112 halaman Jenis Cover : Soft Cover ISBN : 9786020516080
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Diana Christianti, S.pd.
English Activity For Children