Jules Verne
English Classics: Around The World In Eighty Days

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“Fortune favors the brave.” English Classics: Around the World in Eighty Days. English Classics is literature's collection with particular rooms for increasing reader's interest in reading classics. This book includes Around the World in Eighty Days. Around the World In Eight Days is about the curious man, Phileas Fogg, who ambitiously goes around the world for eighty days to analyze strange places that he has never seen. Phileas Fogg, a very wealthy and stoic British gentleman, accepts a challenge from some fellow club members to traverse the globe in eighty days, a real challenge in 1872. His entire fortune is at stake, but he seems undaunted throughout the journey, even in the face of time-consuming setbacks.
"Keberuntungan berpihak pada yang berani." English Classics: Around the World in Eighty Days. English Classics adalah kumpulan karya sastra dengan ruangan-ruangan tertentu untuk meningkatkan minat pembaca dalam membaca karya-karya klasik. Buku ini termasuk Around the World in Eighty Days. Around the World In Eight Days dibuat tentang pria yang ingin tahu, Phileas Fogg, yang dengan ambisius berkeliling dunia selama delapan puluh hari untuk menganalisis tempat-tempat aneh yang belum pernah dilihatnya. Phileas Fogg, seorang pria Inggris yang sangat kaya dan tabah, menerima tantangan dari beberapa anggota klub lainnya untuk melintasi dunia dalam delapan puluh hari, tantangan nyata pada tahun 1872. Seluruh kekayaannya dipertaruhkan, tetapi dia tampaknya tidak gentar sepanjang perjalanan, bahkan dalam menghadapi kemunduran yang memakan waktu.
“Fortune favors the brave.”
English Classics : Around the World in Eighty Days.
English Classics is literature's collection with particular rooms for increase reader's interest in reading classics.
This book including Around the World in Eighty Days.
Around the World In Eight Days crafted about the curious man, Phileas Fogg, who ambitiously goes around the world for eighty days to analysis strange places that he never seen.
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Jules Verne
English Classics: Around The World In Eighty Days