Gramedia Pustaka Utama
English Classics: Sherlock Holmes Short Stories#2
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Sherlock Holmes is the world's only consulting detective. Money and prestige don't interest him, simply the chance to flex his intellectual muscles and practise his unique method of deduction are enough. Following him through a series of problems, you are able to watch a great mind at work and delve into the criminal world of London. Sherlock Holmes books really enjoyed, following the various mysteries that Watson and Holmes dealt with through the years. The detective is at the height of his powers and the volume is full of famous cases, including ‘The Red-Headed League’, ‘The Blue Carbuncle’, and ‘The Speckled Band’. Although Holmes gained a reputation for infallibility, Conan Doyle showed his own realism and feminism by having the great detective defeated by Irene Adler – the woman – in the very first story, ‘A Scandal in Bohemia’
Tahukah kalian mengenai detektif fenomenal bernama Sherlock Holmes? Sherlock Holmes merupakah tokoh detektif fiksi karya Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Kisah Sherlock Holmes sudah beberapa kali dibuatkan film yang diperankan dengan beberapa aktor berbeda. Dalam buku ini menceritakan kisah perjalanan Sherlock Holmes dalam mengungkap permasalahan yang tengah dihadapinya, bagaimanakah akhir kisahnya? semua akan diceritakan dalam buku short stories edisi kedua ini.
Judul : English Classics : Sherlock Holmes Short stories #2
Penulis : Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Penerbit : Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Bahasa : Inggris
Tebal : 204 Halaman
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Gramedia Pustaka Utama
English Classics: Sherlock Holmes Short Stories#2