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Ayunda Faza Maudya

Kinas Story: Kina Makes A New Friend

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Dengan beragamnya latar belakang seseorang di sekitar kita, tentu kita dituntut untuk mampu memahami mereka dan bersikap penuh toleransi serta menghargai mereka. Kita membutuhkan lebih banyak orang yang hadir untuk mengerti, daripada orang yang mengira-ngira tanpa mengetahui apapun. Disini lah Kina belajar untuk menerima perubahan dan tidak untuk menilai orang lain. Buku Kina’s Story: Kina Makes A New Friend ini ditulis berdasarkan cerita-cerita pendek masa kecil sang penulis, Maudy Ayunda. Kisah ini ditulis dengan tujuan untuk menginspirasi, meningkatkan minat baca, pembelajaran bilingual, dan membagikan pesan-pesan moral dengan ilustrasi yang indah. Many people have various types of backgrounds, even the ones around us; therefore, we are expected to understand them and treat them with tolerance and respect. We need more people who seek to understand rather than assume without knowing anything. From here, Kina learns to embrace change and not to judge others. This Kina's Story: Kina Makes A New Friend book was inspired by the author, Maudy Ayunda's, childhood short stories. This story is written with a mission to inspire, promote literacy and bilingual learning, and share many meaningful moral stories accompanied by captivating illustrations. Synopsis: Hello, I am Kina and I have a best friend, Anya. We promise we'll always be together no matter what. One day, a new girl starts in school. Her name is Lulu. Day by day, Lulu starts stealing Anya from me. They laugh, eat, and play together. Anya has a new best friend, so we can't be best friends anymore, right? Does it mean that I lose my best friend?" Our world needs people who seek to understand, rather than assume without knowing. Here Kina learns to embrace change and not judge others. You all can buy this book as a literacy support for children at the nearest bookstore. Or you can visit the page at, OK!
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Ayunda Faza Maudya
Kinas Story: Kina Makes A New Friend