My Little Pony: I Am Applejack Dash
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Basically, My Little Pony is a toy line and media franchise developed by the American toy company Hasbro. The ponies feature colorful bodies, manes and a unique symbol on one or both sides of their flanks. Such symbols are referred to in the two most recent incarnations as what it is called cutie marks. My Little Pony was launched in 1982 and the line became popular during the 1980s. The original toy line ran from 1982 to 1992 in the United States and to 1995 globally. There were two animated specials, an animated feature-length film, and two animated television series produced up until 1992.
Travel to the magical world of Equestria and get to know six marvelous ponies who combine laughter, kindness, generosity, loyalty, honesty, and magic to create the strongest power known: the magical of friendship. In Fall Weather Friends, Rainbow Dash loses a game of horseshoes to Applejack, and says she hates losing. She then challenges Applejack in the Iron Pony competition. In several rounds, she uses her wings to give herself an unfair advantage.
Read the enchanting story and play with Applejack. Simply push out the figurine and insert it in the base. The last sparse features a beautiful scene for playing with the figurines! It’s time to play!
Informasi Lainnya
Judul: My Little Pony: I Am Applejack Dash
Cerita: Hasbro
Tebal: 7 Halaman
Tanggal terbit: Maret 2019
Format: Soft Cover
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My Little Pony: I Am Applejack Dash