Djenar Maesa Ayu
Nayla (Ed. Inggris)
Format Buku
Nayla claims to never want love. All she wants to do, she claims, is to get drunk. Yet I suspect, what she really wants, what she truly needs, is to be drunk in love. —Ben But how can we tell what’s in their minds? Not everyone is naïve like her. If she behave in such a sexually inviting manner, who can blame the men for hitting on Nayla? —Juli Her name is Nayla. My fellow counselors dislike her. They perceive her as arrogant because she comes from a rich and famous family, thereby refusing to get along with other people in this rehabilitation center. She has been living here for a week. Her behaviour hasn’t changed. When she is alone, she laughs constantly to herself while twisting the locks of her hair and biting her fingernails. —Ibu Lina I feel Nayla has started using drugs. —Ratu Nayla is afraid of the Mother character. —Ardan Why don’t you take that injection, which can help you lose weight, Nay? Your body no longer looks good. How can it arouse men, when it doesn’t even arouse me as a gay man? —Pansy It was her father who was immoral. This was his entire fault! Not mine! —Mother I am drunk and I am an angel. And I don’t give a shit anymore. —Nayla
Jumlah Halaman 192
Penerbit Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Tanggal Terbit 12 Nov 2018
Berat 0.173 kg
ISBN 9786020614182
Lebar 21 cm
Bahasa English
Panjang 14cm
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Djenar Maesa Ayu
Nayla (Ed. Inggris)