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"Apakah kamu menganggap kucing sebagai hewan paling imut? Apakah kamu ingin memelihara kucig tapi tidak tahu caranya? Buku ini cocok untukmu. Tahukah kamu ada berapa ras kucing di dunia? Mana yang paling kamu suka? Kucingpedia menampilkan aneka kucing ras, berikut deskripsi, foto dan cara memeliharanya. Di dalamnya juga ada berbagai cerita dan informasi menarik mengenai kucing serta kerabatnya. Semuanya imut dan menggemaskan" From the experts who brought you How to Speak Cat, learn all about 71 different cat breeds. From Russian Blues and Munchkins to Maine Coons and Persians, this comprehensive guide gives an overview of 71 different cat breeds. Each profile includes the breed's "cat stats": country of origin, size, coat color and pattern, grooming difficulty, and cat-titude. With the help of veterinarian Dr. Gary Weitzman and cat behaviorist Mieshelle Nagelschneider, kids will also learn how to choose the right cat for them, how to take care of their new feline friend, and how to understand its behavior. Fun feature spreads cover cats in popular culture, prehistoric cats, and the house cat's wild cousins. This comprehensive guide is perfect for the cat-crazy kid, and is an excellent reference for families who are bringing home their first four-legged family member. Judul : Kucingpedia Penulis : Stephanie Warren Drimmer , Gary Weitzman Rating : Semua Umur Penerbit : Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia Tanggal Terbit: 24 Agustus 2020 Tebal: 288 halaman ISBN: 9786024814410 Berat: 1000 gram Dimensi: 25.6 cm x 20.9 cm
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