Tony Beshara
Powerful Phrases For Successful Interviews
Do you want to know the dirty little secret of the hiring world? It takes just four minutes for interviewers to decide whether they want you or not.
Your experience, your references, your degree-they might get you an interview, but they won't get you the job. What matters most? It's whether the words you choose trigger a quick, emotional "Yes' in the minds of employers.
Now, one of America's top recruiters, who has helped nearly 10,000 people successfully find positions, tells you exactly what interviewers want to hear. Each of his 400 ready-to-use phrases sends a subtle but memorable message that you are the right person for the job-competent, likable, a good fit. From initial email contact through face-to-face interview and follow-up conversations, these perfect phrases help you:
Highlight your skills, strengths, and experience Make a great impression at the crucial interview opening and close Score high on the likability factor Eliminate any lingering concerns about your work history Help you negotiate a strong job offer, and more
When it's time to choose between a candidate who is perfect on paper and one who is persuasive in person, there's no contest. Powerful Phrases for Successful Interviews will help you nail the interview, and land the job.
Informasi Buku
Judul : Powerful Phrases For Successful Interviews
Penulis : Tony Beshara
ISBN : 9780814433546
Penerbit : Amacom
Tahun Terbit : 2018
Jumlah Halaman : 240 halaman
Berat : 0.390 kg
Jenis Cover : Hard Cover
Dimensi : 22 x 15 cm
Bahasa : Bahasa Inggris
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Tony Beshara
Powerful Phrases For Successful Interviews