Heru Kurniawan
Reading Writing Coloring English Activity
Format Buku
Learning English starting at an early age has various benefits for children, such as: improving children's cognitive abilities, sharpen children's brains, including their ability to solve problems, think critically, and listen well, improve children's memory, concentration, and ability to multitask, sharpen children's creativity and also help children in academic matters.
Sinopsis Buku:
This book features many interesting and important English activities for children, especially children aged 4 to 10. This book can help parents introduce the basics of English words and the way to learn to read English. Children need help to understand living and non-living things, kinds of animals, and matters of things. This book covers the required language skills and is equipped with suitable exercises and other interesting additional features. The material in the book is based on familiar everyday content so that students quickly manage to adapt to the English atmosphere. The content of the book is also carefully prepared to Fut into practice characteristic values. Last but not least. may this book help parents to guide their children in learning in interesting ways.
Profil Penulis
Heru Kurniawan, lahir Brebes, 22 Maret 1982, merupakan pengajar di Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Purwokerto; Penulis Buku Parenting, Bacaan Anak, Pendidikan, dan Pengembangan Kreativitas; Founder Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir. Telah terbit buku-buku di Gramedia Group: buku aktivitas, parenting, bacaan anak, dan pendidikan kreativitas. Dengan Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir yang dikelola telah mendapatkan penghargaan dari Bupati Batang 2016; Kemdikbud RI 2017; Integritas Taman Baca KPK 2017; dan Gramedia Reading Community 2018.
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