Soman Chainani
School for Good and Evil 3: The Last Ever After
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In the epic next chapter of Soman Chainani’s New York Times bestselling series, The School for Good and Evil, everything old is new again, as Sophie and Agatha fight the past as well as the present to find the perfect end to their fairy tale.
Former best friends Sophie and Agatha thought their ending was sealed when they went their separate ways, but their storybook is about to be rewritten—and this time theirs isn't the only one. With the girls apart, Evil has taken over and the forces of Good are in deathly peril.
Will Agatha and Sophie be able to work together to save them? Will they find their way to being friends again? And will their new ending be the last Ever After they've been searching for?
Readers around the world are eagerly awaiting the third book in The School for Good and Evil series, The Last Ever After. Soman Chainani delivers the extraordinary new journey with more action, adventure, laughter, romance, and more twists than ever before in this extraordinary chapter of his epic series.
Dalam series ini menceritakan tentang terpisahnya persahabatan antara Sophie dan Agatha. Agatha kembali ke Gavaldon bersama Tedros dan Sophie tetap tinggal bersama seorang guru sekolah muda yang cantik. Akankah Agatha dan Sophie berteman kembali? Ikuti petualangan Sophie dan Agatha untuk menemukan akhir cerita mereka yang sempurna!
The Last Ever After adalah novel fantasi yang ditulis oleh Soman Chainani. Ini adalah buku ketiga dan terakhir dalam trilogi The School Years dan buku ketiga secara keseluruhan dalam seri The School for Good and Evil. Serial debut Soman Chainani ini telah terjual lebih dari 3,5 juta kopi, telah diterjemahkan ke dalam 31 bahasa di 6 benua, dan akan menjadi film utama dari Netflix pada tahun 2022.
Penulis : Soman Chainani
ISBN : 9780062104960
Penerbit : Harper Collins Us
Tahun Terbit : 2021
Jumlah Halaman : 704 halaman
Berat : 850 Gram
Jenis Cover : Soft Cover
Dimensi : 13 x 19,3 Cm
Bahasa : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Sastra - Novel - Fiksi
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Soman Chainani
School for Good and Evil 3: The Last Ever After