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Raissa Almira

Something to Remember Me By

Format Buku
You know what? I am very grateful of the fact that among the hundred thousand people that I have come across, one of them was you; A long-lost dream I had been wanting so bad to come true. And in the infinite choices of color, you darling, are the brightest, prettiest shade of blue; The only person in the entire universe that I most value. Once the lights are off and everyone heads back home; I am glad that you see me. The part of me that I show to no one but to you only. And once the curtains are drawn, and the crowd stars to cheer; I put on a brightest smile that solely you only. is nothing but a facade And I thank you for seeing me as me, and accepting me anyway in spite of all. Despite storms, despite my wounds. Despite everything that I dislike about me. - Side of Me That Only You See “Buku ini berisi puisi perihal cinta. Dalam artian bukan cuma cinta yang membahagiakan aja, but everything about love. Semua jenis perasaan yang pernah kamu lalui tentang cinta.⁣ Buku ini dikemas dengan cukup "manis". Warna cover pink yang bikin kesan hangat dan manis dari isi bukunya ikut tersampaikan ke pembaca. Ditambah dengan ukuran buku yang travelable. Bisa masuk shoulder bag aku juga. Cocok banget sih buat jadi temen kalo lagi bepergian.”⁣ -Dyaread by Goodreads
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Raissa Almira
Something to Remember Me By