I Gede Ardika
Sustainable Tourism
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TOURISM is seen as a strategic instrument to implement development goals. In order to infer these goals, at any rate we need to refer to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) proclaimed by the United Nations. Tourism is expected to put the goals into action by acting on responsible and sustainable tourism principles. Therefore, a series of steps has been taken based on the triple bottom line (people, planet, prosperity). People refer to community empowerment, while planet is related to elements of environmental sustainability and prosperity is associated with autonomy and economic benefits.
Mr. Gede Ardika has more than three decades of experience in dealing with the tourism world in Indonesia. This book entitled Sustainable Tourism: Clear the Path through Communities speaks of his life's work, explaining actions to develop sustainable tourism in Indonesia.
Indonesian tourism goal and also challenge is to build sustainable and responsible tourism, both in terms of economy, sociocultural, and also environment. Those ideals alternate answers is community-based tourism in which the people act as subject. Ardika’s concepts are written in this book, from the meaning, essence, and philosophy of tourism that are rooted from local wisdom and concrete examples from three different areas in Indonesia.
Community based Tourism (CBT) or community-based rural tourism becomes the realization of concepts, principles, and comprehensive as well as integrated tourism development goals. This creative and innovative breakthrough from rural tourist accommodation managers in a number of places in Indonesia contribute to implement community-based tourism in Indonesia. This undoubtedly is the new front row seat to boost tourism industry in Indonesia, while preserving nature and the culture that can improve community welfare. Cheers to Indonesian charm, Wonderful!
TOURISM is seen as a strategic instrument to implement development goals.… Mr. I Gede Ardika reminds us this apprehension is in fact a part of heritage, through philosophy and local wisdom built upon the principle of a balanced life.”
- Dr. Ir. Arief Yahya, M.Sc Minister of Tourism of Indonesia
Penulis : I Gede Ardika
ISBN : 9786232410138
Penerbit : Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Tahun Terbit : 2019
Jumlah Halaman : 254 halaman
Berat : 300 Gram
Jenis Cover : Soft Cover
Dimensi : 14 x 21 Cm
Kategori : Social Science
Bahasa : Bahasa Inggris
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I Gede Ardika
Sustainable Tourism