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Sure You Can! Double Target to Help Speak and Write Better

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To learn English is to master the rules governing how it is to be used naturally and therefore, lots of different cultural contexts should be included in the learning materials. There are two kinds of acquisitions in the learning of English; physical acquisition and mental acquisition. Physical acquisition refers to acquiring the more productive and active use of the language; speaking skill. Mental acquisition refers to acquiring the more mental use of the language; reading skill. To acquire speaking skill efficiently; the materials should be focused on providing more exercises on speaking practices. All other exercises and learning materials that include listening, vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing are to be made integrated to support the achievement of the speaking skill. This book comprises of 15 chapters, of which each chapter is designed for specific language communicative functions. Rhetorically, the learning materials in each chapter include: Snapshot and In-Class Activity that cover Listening and Speaking, Word Power (Vocabulary), Grammar, Reading and Writing Activities. This book has double targets; (1) to help students easily learn the materials and acquire the speaking skill through different kinds of practices and (2) to help teachers easily teach the learning materials to students through different classroom activities. The materials in this book are rhetorically constructed that include different activities for students; listening, speaking, grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing of which the final point of achievement is to acquire speaking skill. Sure, You Can! Terdapat dua jenis pembelajaran dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris, yaitu pembelajaran secara fisik dan mental. Pembelajaran fisik yang dimaksud adalah pembelajaran yang lebih mengacu pada keterampilan berbicara. Sedangkan pembelajaran mental lebih mengacu pada keterampilan membaca. Melalui buku ini, Anda dapat mempelajari keduanya. Materi dalam buku ini disusun secara teoritis yang mencangkup berbagai kegiatan, seperti mendengarkan (listening), berbicara (speaking), tata bahasa (grammar), kosa kata (vocabulary), membaca (reading) dan menulis (writing) yang tujuan akhir pencapaiannya adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara (speaking skill). Selamat belajar! Informasi Buku Judul : Sure You Can! Double Target To Help Speak And Write Better Penulis : Pardiyono ISBN : 9786235830100 Penerbit : Pustaka Referensi Tahun Terbit : 2022 Jumlah Halaman : 247 halaman Berat : 0,535 kg Jenis Cover : Soft Cover Dimensi : 20 x 28 cm Bahasa : Bahasa Indonesia
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Sure You Can! Double Target to Help Speak and Write Better