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Ika Lestari Damayanti, Yusnita Febrianti dkk

English For Nusantara Buku Siswa SMP/MTS Kelas 9

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English for Nusantara IX is developed based on the principles and learning objectives as stated in Indonesian Kurikulum Merdeka. Using a genre-based approach, the activities are structured from oral to written language skill development. Also, the book fosters students' character building following the values of Pancasila Student Profile as well as issues related to United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through broad topics such as Digital Safety and Environment. English for Nusantara IX is written by a collaborative team comprising academicians and practitioners in English education. Each of the units in the five chapters is opened with a Say-What-You-Know section to brainstorm students with the overarching topic. The materials are then presented step-by-step to scaffold students in learning English through Listening, Speaking, Reading, Viewing, Writing, and Presenting in a variety of activities. An intermezzo for expanding students' knowledge is given in a small section called "Did You Know?" In addition, an enrichment section closes every unit to provide extra activities beyond the main materials. Tasks are given as worksheets in every section, to which a summary of reflection is given at the end of each chapter for the students to self-identify their learning achievement. The overall design of the book involves a consistent group of characters that are specially created to suit the age group of the book readers. The combined elements of topics, characters, and illustrations are nicely presented to enhance students' engagement in learning English. Tahun Terbit : Cetakan Pertama, 2022
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Ika Lestari Damayanti, Yusnita Febrianti dkk
English For Nusantara Buku Siswa SMP/MTS Kelas 9