Agatha Christie
Novel The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (Pembunuhan Atas Roger Ackroyd)
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The Murder of Roger Ackroyd is a detective novel by Agatha Christie. This novel is best known for its unique ending and is one of Christie's most controversial novels. Check out the synopsis below!
Roger Ackroyd knew too much. He knows that the woman he loves poisoned his cruel first husband. He also suspected that the woman was blackmailed by someone. And now… the woman committed suicide.
That night Roger received a letter containing very fatal information. Unfortunately, before he could finish reading the letter, someone stabbed him to death.
Hercule Poirot was forced to postpone his retirement to investigate this case.
Pembunuhan atas Roger Ackroyd adalah sebuah novel detektif karya Agatha Christie. Novel ini terkenal karena akhir ceritanya yang unik dan merupakan salah satu novel Christie yang paling kontroversial. Simak sinopsisnya berikut ini!
Roger Ackroyd tahu terlalu banyak. Ia tahu bahwa wanita yang ia cintai meracuni suami pertamanya yang kejam. Ia juga curiga bahwa wanita itu diperas seseorang. Dan kini… wanita itu bunuh diri.
Malam itu Roger menerima sepucuk surat berisi informasi yang sangat fatal. Sayang sekali, sebelum ia sempat membaca surat itu sampai selesai, seseorang menikamnya hingga tewas.
Hercule Poirot pun terpaksa menunda masa pensiunnya untuk menyelidiki kasus ini.
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Agatha Christie
Novel The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (Pembunuhan Atas Roger Ackroyd)